Prayer Times
Monday 20 January 2025 / الإثنين 20 رجب 1446
Beginning | Jamaat | |
Fajr | 06:26 | 07:00 |
Sunrise | 8:11 | - |
Zohar | 12:23 | 13:15 |
Asar | 14:36 | 15:00 |
Maghrib | 16:30 | 16:30 |
Esha | 17:32 | 18:30 |
Jummah Masjid | - | 01:00PM |
Jummah Madrassah | 02:30PM & 03:45PM |
Please send completed form to E-mail:
Contact Masjid Noorul Islam
Masjid Noorul Islam
58 - 62 St Margaret's Road,
Bradford, West Yorkshire BD7 3AE
United Kingdom
Masjid: 01274575919 Madrassah (boys): 07443045240 Madrassah (Girls): 07443045107 Bereavement & Funeral: 01274575919 Receiver Frequency : 454.7750 E-mail: Masjid EMAIL |
Donation-Lillah Only
Lillah meaning 'for Allah', comprises any form of charity given in the cause of Allah on a pure voluntary basis. This charitable giving is over and above the Zakah that one is liable for.
Please help your local Masjid / Madrasah by setting up a regular Standing Order with your bank / building society. Your donation (no matter how big or small) will help towards the day to day running of the Masjid / Madrasah.
May Allah reward you and shower his blessing and mercy for your generous donation.
Masjid-Lillah Donation
- Bank Name:Barclays Bank UK PLC
- Account Name: BMWS(Masjid Noorul Islam)
- Sort Code:20-11-81
- Account Number: 53366782
Madrassah-Lillah Donation
- Bank Name:Barclays Bank
- Account Name: BMWS(Madrassah Noorul Islam)
- Sort Code: 20-11-81
- Account Number: 60916579